Crack Monitoring Kit
Back to Monitoring KitsThis set contains all the products needed to set up a Tell-Tale crack monitoring system. Supplied in a branded backpack, it includes a Crack Width Gauge to measure the width of cracks prior to monitoring, Plus Tell-Tales, Corner Tell-Tales, all fixings and Crack Record Sheets. It also includes an illustrated manual with full instructions for use.
The kit can be replenished by re-ordering any of the components which are also available as separate items.
The kit, supplied in a branded backpack, contains:
- 1x Instruction Booklet
- 1x Crack Width Gauge
- 5x Plus Tell-Tales
- 1x Pair Corner Tell-Tales
- 7x Packs of Fixing Screws
- 1x Pack of Araldite® two part epoxy
- Crack Monitoring Record Sheets to record changes in crack width.
Crack Monitoring Kit

Initial Measurement
Use the Crack Width Gauge to measure and record crack width before monitoring.

Monitoring Cracks in Flat Walls
Use Plus Tell-Tales to monitor horizontal and vertical movement across cracks on flat surfaces.

Monitoring in Corners
Use Corner Tell-Tales to monitor cracks in corners or between floor and wall or ceiling and wall.